School started last month. This sentence is old news, but still feels like it came to soon. Homeschooling 4 kids is a task that I mentally prepare for each fall, but it always takes time to get into our routine. Our routines often start strong and then weaken in intensity over a few months. We settle into some sort of lazy routine mixed with spontaneous moments of fun things to do. I am, however, determined to keep us all on track this school year. That includes my own routine! I have big plans for myself this year. I should tell you my plans so I can be held accountable..... nope, not yet. For now, I will just tell you that there will be a weekly post to give you tutorials, inspirations, patterns, challenges, or fun projects to try. This WILL be a productive year for goals! Now say it to yourself three times and then grab a paper and pen and write your own goals down. Let's over come boredom together and get things done!